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Lifestyle , Personal Development

How To Make 2017 Your Best Investing Year Ever

January 2, 2017


How To Make 2017 Your Best Investing Year Ever


From reading the title, you probably think I’m going to write something cheesy with motivational quotes.

Something like, “Wake up early!” or, “Get more sleep!” or, “Read more books!” or, “Don’t drink alcohol!” or “Put a smile on your face!

And on and on…

But honestly, I like drinking beer. I like sleeping in late. Books are sometimes boring to read. And sometimes I’m grumpy and don’t like putting a smile on my face.

Instead, I want to point out the interesting perspective I have noticed from different individuals as we transition into 2017.

I’m talking about what people thought about 2016 versus 2017. The attitude that many people had about the US presidential election, or about how the UK voted to leave the European Union, or any topic that had a polarizing effect.

Meaning, there were many events this past year which divided people on one side or another. There was the yes or no. The Trump or Clinton. The wrong or right.

And for those who didn’t get their way – they freaked out.

And for those who did get their way – they were smug with righteousness.

But it doesn’t matter if you were right or wrong. These events still happened regardless of how you felt about them.

I noticed lots of social media posts with emojis of the middle finger pointed to 2016. I read articles, saw memes, and listened to interviews about how bad 2016 was.

Then I noticed some other people.

Like Khalil Rafati, who opened a juice bar in my hometown of Malibu several years ago.

Khalil’s story includes being a high school drop out, convicted felon, heroin addict, and successful entrepreneur. He even wrote a book about his story called I Forgot To Die. He’s also been featured in everything from the New York Times to newspapers in the UK.

Khalil calls 2016 his best year ever.

I also look at someone like Gary Vaynerchuk.

Originally from Belarus, Gary has an equally interesting story and now runs a $100 million dollar media company that he founded.

Gary’s take on change is pretty interesting:

It is pretty fascinating. Humans are very good at holding on to the past… it is an enormous fear of change. When most people see something new they think: “How is this going to hurt me?” and when I see something new I think: “How is this going to help me?” That mentality has been a game-changer for me, and every other entrepreneur, because we’re not scared to fail and we’re not scared to put in work. A lot of people talk about fear of change, but it’s really an enormous fear of extra work or of failing.

So, when I look at Khalil or Gary and see what they have accomplished, I see that they are able to overcome huge obstacles. They put in hard work. They embrace change. They look forward and don’t dwell on the past.

However, there is something more important that Khalil, Gary, and every successful person out there shares.

This ‘something’ is the act of taking your life into your own hands. Creating opportunity for yourself. Not allowing outside events to negatively impact your course.

Everyone has bad shit happen to them. Deaths in the family. Your house burns down. Job loss. Government chaos. We all have our own unique problems.

I had the worst event of my life happen in 2016.

But it’s how we move on and make things happen for ourselves that matters.

I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve got coming for 2017. We’ll be able to invest in all kinds of exciting areas that most people don’t even know about. We’ll look at ideas and create opportunities without worrying about the crazy things going on around us.

Whether it’s real estate, stocks, collectibles, or just interesting ways to make money, I’ll share it all.

So, here’s to our success in 2017. The success that we will create for ourselves!